Tuesday, December 14, 2010

No{t} Enough

Not Complicated enough, right
As if the walls aren’t built high enough
\i{just} too high
Oh no we need a ladder to reach
The tall curtains of privacy
But this a loft tall unreachable is the thang
Now are we beginning to b to complicated No this ain’t  complicated enough
Their has to be more light
The light is natural but people can c
Well what if?
Your being too complicated thinking somebody cares about your \i{what if?}
Come on give me something better then that
Stay with the meaning and feeling of what your trying to get across
No the windows rite their
Let’s just solve this
What is that?
Why we should do this
How everything makes uncomplicated sense
The so we think
Issues out the I’m just not complicated as my sense tell me
To think

Friday, November 26, 2010

Insult To Tip

Consumers in mind
Don't do extra if you can't or don't wanna
But keep the 3.5% in your brand
For your being to be whole

Thursday, November 25, 2010


First Holiday season without You
We miss You so
Comin in the room with a big smile
Proud of your progress in the Family
We miss You so
Just hear that we will carry on the pride of You and Us
Forever in the holiday season
Cause all your work made this So!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Yes is the word that I have stood by
Yes it is true that I Am blessed daily by living the Life of the Lord
Yes it is an unbreakable word
Yes I Am sure of what this has for Me
Cause Yes it is truly in me to be sure of the Yes in my heart
Yes there are ways to understand this yes and not a maybe or no
Yes I love that’s it’s in me
Yes it’s in you
Yes we can overcome what we imagine to be the truth for the absolute truth
Yes I just came up with this today
Yes I’m glad that I Am reassured daily of what I have to know
Is yes there is always a way to comprehend things to end with a yes
Yes this is realistic and not fake cause the only way is
Yes I have The Lord of Yes in my heart
Always have through all the false maybe and might nots
Cause the assurance of this HAND FULL OF YES BEAMS
Seem to say Yes to me daily that there is always a way to feel that I am on my
Way and not just in here not knowing a way
The reason is Yes You!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Black Buziness

Black business is our business
I would think so
If you try I try
To be the giddyup
You try to be the gitmeup
We have to support one another in the mist of the 20th century
As professionals it is up to us to become top level folks
We have to ultimately stretch and go beyond
It is not the comparison thang going on
But it’s the strive for excellence thang
Think to yourself if I was over there would they except this !?
My black business wants to bring abnormal thangs in the mix that puts us back down
But we have to eagerly climb the mountain to stay at the top
This is not the home this the business
Let’s show um all that even though I’m black
My Will
Is to interact as if I’m an Egyptian that put themselves in charge of the world
Take back the way with common sense of this is also My Buziness
If so would I want My Folks to run it as so?
Save the shit till you get home
Help Me save My Black Buziness Please for the sake of our Homeland becoming Free and Professional!
Support and appreciate the Support!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I have choosen to Confess of first degree
With this imaginary mind of mine
Just Confess so that their will be no more of my kind
I chose to search the walls all alone
Rather then to be searched by others that do not understand My manupulation and betrayal I take on myself at this trial
I can not fight myself anymore
Their is no known jury
or judges
to plead my case
So I will confess to over acting out my case in mind
day and night
I confess to murdering my mind
I will leave this all for the records to stand and speak for itself
Why my imagination and stance and myself must stop here
Hopefully for life
No giving up on living
Just giving up on my trial of this kind of imaginary LIES
That have been formed before I even took the Stand!

BIGGER then Me

Life is BIGGER then Me
The BIGGER things get
The Smaller My Brain Seems
Look into the light and see
Me But Life is BIGGER then Me
Why does it seem things are EZ then HARD
But I AM Femine Not HARd
I wear stacks and dressy dresses
But My Pants do sag sometimes
For lack of a BELT around My waist
Why is BIGGER life steadily stairing Me In My eyes
I ask
Because Life is BIGGER then Me
I do no
I AM always an independent FEM making my way cause of how I was raised
I need only My Fam which is BIGGER then ME
When they are always around Me I Am Blesses daily
Why is this BIGGER life BIGGER then ME!
I want to grow to be able to Look down
And Realize the reality of
Life is BIGGER then ME!
Well I do Know but I'm not gonna tell
Why it's the BIG in ME


Math is the logistics in life
When their is this number of this
Then that number of that
Evidently the perfect number is that which is right!

Monday, November 8, 2010


I’m gon take this slow.
Can I get a Chance with My King?
Well He’s not Mine yet
Will He ever notice Me
I want what I want
Just can’t take any King
I need that One Chance
Is it my Circumstances?
Is it me?
What could it be King?
Can we speak on this Today?
The Chance would be so Awesome
But I can’t seem to come around
It must be Me
With no fault of mine
Do I search out other Chances?
But I only have One
But realistically if I haven’t had a Chance there could be other chances
I’m gon take this slow
This may be a Dream King
When you wake well it just turns out to be a Dream Chance
I believe in standing for what U believe
That’s all the Chance you have Queen
Slow down now take it slow
Your mind King is so intone to mine
I find myself thinking about when will be the time
Can I get some time?
Is it my circumstances?
Is it me?
Should I give you to some other kind?
Go on and get back to my mind?
And realize that I can’t have my Chance with A Man that is so inclined to treat Me as a Queen that I Am!
Is it my circumstance?
Well in this Stance My heart is pounding and sounding Hollow and ruthlessly Lonely
I do Have Me
I do need U
But under the circumstances I can’t get a Chance
To fall for U and U fall for Me
We wouldn’t have far to go u know
I have to take this slow
So I’m gon to go and Dream on My own for right now
Dream about Chance

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wat tu Say?!

Confidence is not a coincidence!
Confidence is natural!
Coincidently it is in all of us!


What I meant to say
Never leaving the reason why I’m where I Am
I have to comment daily why I’m blessed to be committed
To the reason
The reasoning is in my mind
To view My life to be committed to U
U and I shall prosper through our commitment to one another
No matter why I can’t understand why I’m still here
I find a reason daily that tells me why I’m here
I search like I’m in the woods
But the way has been paved to find the valley
That I was formed in and came out of
To continuously search out my commitment to U
I will find my way back
Just look at the past path and how I got to where I Am
And the commitment has brought Me back around
And I become thankful for Your commitment
To leave that trail that I will backtrack and the path has glistening diamonds and I can not get lost
Cause the commitment has formed Me into My Valley which is My Home!
Listen for the Path which will Always answer!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Do I need jew
Yes I do
The complexities of You
I need to know who U r
To realize who needs U
Is me
Profetically I want to be U
I need the rightious love that I need
To want to be next to Me
On a cold winters night in the
Compounds of My mind
To continiously climb
To My destined Mind
To overcome the fall that
Shouts Me out every Day
It tells Me the climb is not long
The Fall is shorter
Fingers I need U
Please plant Yourself in Me for ever more
I know that I have you until now then and more
That's what makes
Even More

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thanks Giving

Thanks Giving is coming around the corner
When there are people to give thanks the dinner is even better
With the belief that this is a whole meal of sorts
Then believe we will remember this until the next year comes is better
Just to observe the table set for all of us to come in and chow down
Ok an observation of all the new generations coming in the door is the best
To with stand all the past years trials and to party and have some home cookin will plant a smile
Standing on two feet with every ones hand held tight to one another
Seems to be the best time of year
The blessed and the blessing seeing through everybodies eyes all at once
Is the energy the following year needs for us to Unite More Often Then Not!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


The game of life
Life is not meant to be that
That game you can absolutely Lose
Lose when you don’t have the energy to win
Win when you are determined to win
Win the winding circle
Circle that lands you at the end but 1 step away from the beginning
Beginning to play again with someone else
Someone else may be better then you at the games
Games are fun and laughable
Laughable to a point of crying
Crying when there is nothing felt there is left
Left as we know God will never do
Do the game just take us back and forth
Forth to what we need
Need to seek the reason we played the game in the first place
Place the emphasis on yourself
Yourself is the one that will have the will to WIN

Friday, October 29, 2010

An Image

What is an image?
Your imagination
When is an image real?
Is an imagination realistic?
We wonder when is it a facade or real.
Well when is this mind that forms gonna become a real facade?
On and on with this image of a vivid imagination to be wanting to be real
But then do we want to exit our vivid mind and become real
Or is it already real for me and not you
Cause this is my mind and not yours
Narcissistic is a word used when we wonder about ourselves so much to a point where we form an image of an imaginary characatur that may be too real to be true
Maybe it’s all in my imagination

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Plain Truth



Egyptians are black as clay
Always Found a way

Always positive and worthy way
Say unto the clay Woman
Then Men was the way
goddesses and gods for ever way is the way
Egyptians were black as clay
Kushites were the name of the clay people
Who taught the way
Always positive
Dark was positive not negative
Always a positive way
Egyptian goddesses taught the way
Always a positive worthy way
Goddesses and gods were Egyptians black as clay was the way to positive thought and scientific logicality
Egyptians are black as clay 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Please lead me the right way
To the store
To the grocer
Wherever you shall lead me
Do this all day
Pray all day and be lead to my light
Please Lord Lead me the right way
To write in this blog
To write for your words to come forth
Please lead me the right way
Please storm wake me and lead me right way
Please Lord lead me to the truth
Please Lord lead me to the right job
Please Lord lead me the write way
Please Lord led my heart the right way
Please Lord led my fingers and hands the right way
Please Lord send your Angels to me the right way
Any way is the right way
With Lord leading me the right way
With Faith in my Lord Father God

Monday, October 25, 2010

I miss U so

Clean the closest
Clean the drawers
Clean My head of judgement
I miss U so
Learn about everything that I need to learn
Learn when we went wrong or right
Learn how to meditate
I miss U so
Give My love back to You
Give my lose of vengeance over to the wrong
Give You the props You deserve
I miss U so
You’re a Man of the world
You’re just as human as I
You’re God is My God
I miss U so
Look at my ancestor’s catalog of past lives
Look and learn the strength in My blood
Look while I realize
I miss U so

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Now to inhale and exhale my breaths of love for you
Within you I take the breathes you breath with me
Thank you so much for all the love you give me daily
Being torn between this world and my friends
We ask which do we go
Just breath my love into your young lungs
I have to go friends to breath
Unto myself in a whole place
Within my own grass that I grow with water and till
I sew my own cloths metaphorically so I can sew these limbs for you
I have always willed to be within your breath
I use to think no one loved me but now I realize I am loved by the most high
My tears are soaked with the Love I have for My most high
There is always a way to get there
Through the love and grace I have full in Me for You

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The wind has produced a natural chill n my back
That means to me that I have a tightness within this strong back
I will continue to work this out of my back
Like those leaves please float and then go out this back
The will will preserve the colors of the bruises maybe left on this back
Then we will go back and observe why the tight back is a tight back
Not shoulders not fingers not legs just this back
Maybe my back has carried rightfully owned trials and tribulations on this back
So long the length of this long back
Why may I not let go and they continue to subside this back
I must always ask for the pleasure to carry what's mine on my own back
Drop them when it's time to get off my back
That's when I know My back ain't done with this load on my back
Exhale maybe it's these lungs inside this back
I can only exhale what I'm carrying on this length of a back
Let Me figure this back
A wanting 4 me to fail this load of goodness all up this lengthy back


As the dry leaves fly
Across the ground
While the wind blows in the sky
We produce true natural love for u and i
Turbulence the wind produces
Through the day
As the night still comes into me real steel
When we go through this write my hands shake
For reason like the dry leaves and the wind actually unknown
I will pursue you poem with only me to allude
You ain’t going nowhere but to me
My love has produced the words I need
I want
To hear not the why’s upon this
I am 1 with the sky and wind start up when it’s time
I know
I can’t subside my guide that has found me while the wind blows dry leaves across my and others lawn.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


All night and.....................................................................................day

Now that we to have too communicate life
To be expected on a still delay

When their was somptin to rebel & how you was gonna
We see that you despise & sets me up there so strong but eyeing those sags

Songs would tell the folks what the jokes are to be. Speak for Momma. Speak for Daddy. Unity was the team
Couldn't relate no longer. Communicating one the lost. Fashion broken. Not understanding. Only rebel for our cause

While there will & always dealing & understanding is Amerika
There are black gents needing our approval, understanding, reason 4 lifelong rebel and more real why,what,then communications.......

Friday, October 15, 2010

Changed Words

The world changes daily
As our word & truths have to follow
Sometimes 1 becomes product or systematic with the other change.
If we stayed the same
We who is to blame for our tame
Answer Please Oh Thee.
I have not stopped the figuring change of all kinds
Answers please once again are gonna change thee.
Matter no if the enviroment stays the same
Going while growing, doing and seeing bonds to be a new way
Somehow going through a new train of thought, new way to succedd.
Never forgetting what deed should be
Viewing my around twisting change as you have 1 or 2 going & twisting two as well
Will I/We succedd.
Lord let me change so You May See!