Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Posted up

My ego is when everything goes on
The computer for real life's tab.
When the computer interacts with a push.
The dramatized source will get told about.
Emotions risen in a satelling different way.
Claims w/ a thoughtless computer is not ever claimed.

When the party goes right on the screen everytime.
The real life basement party become obsolete.
No one wanting to be made up & have to show up.
Just wanting some fast acquaintances to toast and search.
For your current moe joe once lost but technically found.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Here we go..

Some things you just can't understand
What's in folks plans
Knowing that is where it's soon to go
Having each way to explain
Overstanding not only
But be liking at same time not willing
Why am I thinking the same
As this
Not being around enough
To have the ability to come around
While recongnizing why I'm not for the
Round and Rounds
But it pounds while should be ponder
We coming face to face mysteriously
Here I be not checked out
Needing you to read
My past complexions existed
Caring for your civilization in
Becoming characterized
In this round place you once called flat.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Bubble gum poppin

I am gonna need you again
Like yesterday
Recognizing everyone else
Forgetting what happen last time
We seem to have meet then
Finally getting nothing never changes
Hard truth to follow
Being that it’s always as real as it gets
What’s not good
Is not your truth
Has nothing to do with this
What’s good
Is universally known as your doing
Things are acclaimed on daily
Facts take me back to past accurances
It all connects to me today
Never will we not be in need of what was us cause now newness relates
us into who and how it should’ve been don happen for this lifelong lesson to be carried out so automatically freshly.  

Friday, April 12, 2013

When True Love surrounds
Your Living Energy
There is No Choice left
To Drink and Piss It!
To Death....
Then the game is
Won and Seen!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Neighborhood Partee'

The difference between str8 and straight up is to be.

The relation of which way to kick is on you.

The point is these days recycalable items make it in.

The followers that kick it seem to want that one.

The outsiders realize if we all dunk on in well we get food.

The wordly folks it’s funner to party together to feel right.

The man down there still kickin’ for himself looks blindly.

The common few puts their minds together and make fun

For a good night sleep.

While others rather be in the street staying straight so

We know that is their str8 and narrow to kick past your hose of many.

Preferring the long level blocks instead of the down south

Straight up addresses that never feel their playing wrong.