Monday, September 12, 2011

Old Story!

Thier is no real fight
Except with my post
Here as lately I have mihandeled
Some bbuttons
And allorgized and put others feelings in the hand up unprotected and nonlogicality and erased my say by Myself
I come back the second time time to prove there needs to be some change
Get off off the window seal and go to the ballroom
The way if and when if this time I come you'll be ready
But this time I had to give it a try
I hadnt exactly sseen the lights of allagory
Or bankock But I know who the same pair of pants if felt like it
So Here I was Wandering as usual what in the hell did I get myself in
B4 I was so lovely Shoulda seen the dis[play
Felt the shill
Rode the wave
While getting what the boat had n store
Get a seat while ya
We backin up from sea
The King said with gold all around him
Next Voyage is the future of our history being erased if my soldiers don't make the voyage bk
Most impotantly!

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