Friday, December 13, 2013

Human nature:don't get to full on bs ya might bust

Is there room enough for me
To learn?

From the day I was born
To realize
Listening is a job in itself.

Choosing and excepting the reasoning of
Who to hear from unconciously speaking.

Being introduced from day 1
To my lifelong freind of intuition.

Teachings between u & i.

My advisory board of understanding
To figure out
My name sake
Humbly learning.

Not knowing until we depart
The whole story of conciousness.

Getting introduces metaphorically
Not literally for my sake of
How to hold on as before.

Someone holding me
Back from
Knowing the intuition I hold
Never to die
But becoming
The faith of knowing that those intuitive motions will have a continuing job of holding on to the next
Concious decision makers.

So learning of humleness is
Never complete.

Leaving the story open for reasoning w/ real & unreal
For the
Future of us
In the next unknown chapter of life to come.

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